
Water Quality Monitor

TOC Analyzer (TOC 4500WT)
ㆍModel TOC 4500WT H
ㆍMeasuring Items Total Organic Carbon
ㆍSupplier WTE Co., Ltd.
ㆍMeasuring Range 0 - 100 mg/L
ㆍMeasuring Principle Wet oxidation (NPOC method)
ㆍOxidation Principle Oxidant + UV + Heat
ㆍDetection Principle NDIR Sensor
ㆍRepeatability ±2% of F.S
ㆍAccuracy ±2% of F.S
ㆍDisplay Resolution 0.001 mg/L
ㆍAnalysis Cycle Time Less than 15 min
ㆍSampling Unit Sample loop Line measuring
ㆍHigh Salt Sample Dual scrubber
ㆍMoisture Removal Membrane dryer
ㆍCycle of Reagent Replacement 4 weeks
ㆍPermissible Sample Temperature 5 -40℃
ㆍOperation System Industrial PC, Windows OS
Color LCD (10") Touch Screen
ㆍData Storage PC SSD, USB Memory Stick available
ㆍAlarm List No sample, No distilled water, No reagent, No carrier gas, UV-Lamp abnormal, MFC abnormal, Detector abnormal, System abnormal, Consumption replacement
ㆍElectrical Output Signal RS-232C / 4 - 20mA
ㆍStatus List Normal, Pause, Calibrating, Checking
Communication error, Operating error
ㆍPower Supply AC 110 - 220V, 50 - 60Hz
ㆍPower Consumption 100VA
ㆍHousing Material Steel, Powder Coating
About 80kg
ㆍAmbient Temperature & Humidity 5 - 40℃
Less than 85% RH
ㆍCarrier Gas High purity nitrogen gas or Air
ㆍOption Carrier gas generator
TOC Analyzer _ TOC 4500WT
TOC 4500WT is a measuring instrument for total organic carbon (TOC) that includes precise measurement method using sample loop, high-efficiency oxidation reactor, and measuring condition adjustment.
It has various service features, increased convenience for maintenance, and a wide range of application.