
Air Quality Monitor

Data Logger (WTE-DL-6000)
ㆍModel WTE-DL-6000
ㆍMaker WTE Co., Ltd.
ㆍDimensions 482(W) * 580(D) * 222(H) mm
ㆍMain Board EATX : 12*13(305*345)
CEB : 12*10.5'(305*266.7mm)
M-ATX : 9.6*9.6'(245*245mm)
ITX : 7*7'(170*70mm)
ㆍHard Disk Six 3.5-inch Hard Disk or 5*3.5' and 2*2.5' HDD
ㆍCPU i3
ㆍMemory 8GB (Changeable)
ㆍDI/DO Each 8ch, 16ch, 32ch
ㆍAI/AO Each 8ch, 16ch, 32ch
ㆍComport RS-232C or 485
ㆍPower ATX Power Supply, AC 220V/60Hz
Data Logger _ WTE-DL-6000
WTE-DL-6000 is a data logger that collects, computes, stores, and transmits the measurements of each air, stack, and water contaminant.
The instrument is a Soosiro(water quality telemonitoring system) terminal device that executes remote commands such as dump, the search of calibration value and constants, and change of passwords and time. It is compatible with Korea's standard methods for the examination of stack and water pollution.
It is easy to identify all the data and constants, status signals, 5-minute data, and time data at a glance. You can remotely monitor and record the status of the interior of measurement stations if temperature and humidity sensors are connected.
Also, you can identify the instrument's constant value information and easily inquire about the auto sampler's sampling log .